Saturday, October 3, 2009

Letting go of the past

God has a funny way of teaching me things. I’m a hard nut to crack sometimes but HE does manage to get through when I need it most. I’ve been obsessing about the past recently, who I WAS, what I WAS doing, who I WAS with. Time has a funny way of recoloring ones memory of things; we remember only the good and none of the bad. Looking back, sometimes is a good thing, carrying old baggage from the past isn’t. The past is just that; the past. We can’t change it and we can’t relive it now. It’s over, past tense and history. I’ve been obsessing over the past lately and it’s been getting me down. I can’t correct the mistakes I made or apologize to everyone I may have treated poorly several years ago or decades ago. I can’t wonder about “What might have been and if it would be better than my present life.”

I need to look at my life now and the relationships that I have now and accept them. I’ve been guilty of wanting to relive the past thinking that it would be better than my present. The truth is, I was a different person in the past and I didn’t like who or what I was pretending to be. I like the man I am now and I’m more comfortable in my own skin than I was twenty-five years ago. I have a great family and a wife that loves me (Why she loves me God only knows). Is my “Present” perfect? Hell no, I have problems and issues just like everybody else, but I’m also a hell of a lot better off than a lot of people and I should focus more on what I have and where I am rather than what I could have had or could have been. Looking back, for me, at this point in my life is unproductive. I wish those people in my past well and apologize publicly to those I’ve hurt and freely forgive those that have hurt me.

I need to focus on today, what’s now and what will be rather than wonder “What if.” God has blessed me with a decent job and a potential career path, good health, and some modicum of talent in writing. I love to write novels and columns, I love to communicate through the written word; these are the things I should be pursuing as well as my current relationships; the past is the past and best left there.
-End of speech and on with my life.

1 comment:

  1. No human would ever do anything to harm another if Connected to Source because when you're Connected, you're empowered; you don't feel insecure. And when you don't feel insecure, you don't need to do something to somebody else that you're afraid of, because you're not afraid. You understand that Well-Being is yours.
    --- Abraham
