Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Consider this.....

We have brave men and women dying overseas while our "Glorious" Messiah is off pandering to the IOC trying to get the Olympic games to Chicago. Obama hasn't commincated to his Generals in the Afghanistan field of operations since July... nearly ten weeks. 73 percent of Americans DON'T want Obama care and the Democrats in the Senate killed the public option in commitee just yesterday.

What does it say about our President? It says he doesn't care about what the people want only what he wants. Obama is too impressed with himself. Giving fancy speeches trashing our counrty isn't winning him any allies; dismanteling our missile shield won't woo the Russians into aiding us in Iran; Iran is a willing Market for Russian weapons and commodities. While Obama is busy verbally pleasuring himself, our enemies are testing him. Iran is test firing medium and long range missiles with no real punitive actions, they've been processing weapons grade Uranium to affix on these missiles for an assault. Obama doesn't want to act too hastily and our house continues to burn around him and more importantly around us. Obama wants to work through the United Nations... WTF!!! After 19 UN resolutions condeming Iraq nothing happened and we had to act alone. The UN delay gave Iraq the valuable time to hide and relocate thier weapons and assets.

Now is the time to action, now is the time for us to speak out. Our country is in jeopardy and the left wing sits back applauding and the media ignores the obvious truth. God help us because Obama is weak and inexperienced... he's the African American Jimmy Carter and we, as a nation, are paying the price for his inexperience and stupidity.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Could you please enclose links that provide evidence to support your statement that the UN gave Iraq valuable time to hide and relocate their weaopns and assets?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


    If you have something that I am not aware of I would like to be informed.

  5. Just a thought..

    Every physical being on this planet is your partner in co-creation, and if you could accept that and appreciate the diversity of desires and beliefs, all of you would have a more expansive, satisfying, fulfilling experience.
    --- Abraham
