Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Letting go

My 18 year old daughter is off to college this week. Another face in an endless sea of college freshmen. I look across the upstairs hall at her empty room and realize that she's one step closer to being on her own and not really needing me anymore. She's had some drama the first few days and I've done what I could to help out but in doing so realize that I made a crucial mistake. I called too much and worried too much. I forced myself into situations I should have let her deal with on her own terms in her own way.

Part of being a good parent is knowing when to let loose on the reigns and let your child run free. It was easier with my son, not so much with my little girl. I need to pull back a bit and let her discover her own independence and in doing so realize that she'll need me that much less. She's growing up and I guess, to be honest, I'm not prepared for it.

1 comment:

  1. Once a parent always a parent. But the only difference is when she/he needs something they will ask. It is always a good thing knowing that there is someone there for them.
