Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Liberty and Healthcare for all

SO I watched the Liar in Chief this afternoon as he gave his schpeal in New Hampshire. I found it so amusing that he stood up in front of the American people and denied teh chares against his healthcare legislation when I've already seen them in his effing bil that's posted in the internet. HIs defense is as follows; those sections of hte legislation will not be in the final version. My response; Bullshit!!!! Barack Obama hasn;t even read the bill in its entirity. He has no real clue what the 1100 pages contain. Obama is the Liberals wind up Robot programmed to give speeches and not much else. This idiot has taken over the auto industry, he's socializing the financial markets and now has his eyes on twenty percent of the gross domestic product. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reed, Barney Frank and Teddy Kennedy are running things not "THe Mesiah" of all Socialists.

Yes, I loathe Obama, yes I loathe Socialism and loathe Liberalism. I'm afraid for this country and I'm afraid for my children's future in Obama nation.

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