Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Rants fo rthe day

I have two things I need to get out today… and they’ll probably offend a great number of people. First off, I don’t apologize,

Item 1. Illegal immigration. To those who choose to break our laws and cut in front of people waiting in line to get here legally I say “Fuck you and get out.” Every socialist, whiny liberal will say “they only do the jobs Americans won’t do.” Bullshit! Every time a factory is cleaned out of these scofflaws there’s a line of Americans waiting to apply to fill these jobs. It happened at the leather factory in New Hampshire, it happened in Maine and it occurred at the most recent ICE bust in Iowa. Americans WILL do these jobs, especially now with the weakened economy and record unemployment. WE have laws pertaining to our sovereignty as a nation; why we don’t enforce them is a mystery to me. Why are illegal’s treated better than citizens. They get free and/or in state college tuition, free medical, SSI, food stamps, low income housing etc. Every government giveaway available is available to those who come here illegally. Can someone explain this bizarre rationale to me? Cripes go sit at an Emergency Room at any local hospital and observe for a few hours. I’ve done this at Milford/Whitinsville ER while my wife was in agony and had my eyes opened at how the “Undocumented workers” are treated versus we the taxpaying, insurance premium paying citizens are treated.

Now the great “Messiah” Obama wants a “Path to citizenship”. Didn’t we derail this insanity two years ago? Wake up Obama. The taxpaying American doesn’t want the illegals here. For a guy whose popularity is plummeting like GM stock he just doesn’t get it. We don’t want to be a European Socialist nation. We are Americans and this is America. First we had Obama Automotive, then we had Obamacare, now he’s pushing to make these 25 - 30 million; YES 30 million NOT 11 million like ‘The great Messiah’ claims. Why? Why would our president want to naturalize and legalize all these illegals? Simple. They’re democratic votes he can bank on. Obama knows he’s bleeding voters in the white, suburban, catholic demographic, the very voting bloc that gave him his presidency. Without a substitute for these lost votes he will lose in 2012. What greater motivation than helping himself.

Here’s something to consider, we tried this in 1985 with Ronald Reagan and it failed miserably. We tried it in the 70’s with Jimmy Carter and it failed miserably what makes Obama and the democratic congress believe that this time will be any different. We’ll have around 30 million non English speaking citizens on the tax payers dole and leave the door open for who knows; 50 million new illegals to come across our border? Look at Arizona? US citizens are being kidnapped by Mexican criminals and ransomed, we do nothing. 5,000 illegals a day cross into Arizona and 8-10,000 are estimated to cross into Texas and California each day. Phoenix Arizona has the second highest crime rate in the WORLD!!! Again… we do nothing. Why? Can somebody tell me why? America’s culture is being eradicated and we are being pushed aside to make way for a new Mexico? Am I a racist because I don’t want to see my country inundated with illegal aliens and I don’t want to see my tax dollars go to support them but would rather the money be spent on US citizens that are impoverished and in need? If so than I’m guilty… I’m a nationalist… I want to put America first and Mexico second. I want to put US citizens ahead of illegals. I want illegals deported and our borders enforced. I want jobs to go to citizens. I want landscapers and construction companies that hire citizen workers to be able to compete fairly and not be underbid by less scrupulous contractors that exploit an illegal, non taxpaying workforce. Think I’m crazy? Go to a Home Depot or a Lowes at 7:30 AM and see the piles of illegals and watch the constriction trucks that come by and pick them up for day labor under the table. I have seen this first hand.

Item 2. Radical Islam. Why is it we are cowering to these dirtbags? Why is it that we can piss on Jesus, stick a cross in human shit and call it art, make fun of Jews, Wiccans, Buddhists and the liberal media praises that as “Progressive” but show a cartoon of Mohammed and everybody loses their balls. Suggest that there’s a direct tie to fanatical Islam and terrorists and people get nervous and the Muslim extremists at CAIR (Council for American Islamic Relations)launch into action. Maybe if Christians and Catholics started threatening the lives of liberals in the media they’d get left alone too. Why are we afraid of these backwards, ignorant, savages? Now please notice I said “RADICAL ISLAM” the reader here knows exactly who I am referring to. Maybe if we threatened the lives of these Muslims they’d leave us alone? Maybe we should blow up a few Mosques to get our point across. Would they, the Muslims, call us extremists for these actions? Would they decry our actions publicly and condemn is as haters? Of course they would… and they’d be right. So, why don’t we have the balls to do the same? Why are we in this country walking around on our tippy toes when it comes to extreme Islam? Why did Comedy Central censor South Park when it made fun of Mohammad but they didn’t censor the mocking of Christianity… the dominate religion in this country? Watch a few episodes and see how they depict Jesus, Moses and every other religious figure. That’s okay but they’ll censor making fun of Islam because the fanatical Muslims threatened the lives of South Park’s creators? Give me a break. Hey fanatical Islam… you suck and so do your antiquated, barbaric beliefs… I’m a well trained; well armed, Christian, American who never runs from a fight… come get me... so I can give you a one way trip to your god and your 72 virgins courtesy of my gun, my rifle, my knives or my swords… I have plenty of good old American ‘KICK ASS’ for all of you! Allah be praised!!!! NOT!!

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