Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Rants fo rthe day

I have two things I need to get out today… and they’ll probably offend a great number of people. First off, I don’t apologize,

Item 1. Illegal immigration. To those who choose to break our laws and cut in front of people waiting in line to get here legally I say “Fuck you and get out.” Every socialist, whiny liberal will say “they only do the jobs Americans won’t do.” Bullshit! Every time a factory is cleaned out of these scofflaws there’s a line of Americans waiting to apply to fill these jobs. It happened at the leather factory in New Hampshire, it happened in Maine and it occurred at the most recent ICE bust in Iowa. Americans WILL do these jobs, especially now with the weakened economy and record unemployment. WE have laws pertaining to our sovereignty as a nation; why we don’t enforce them is a mystery to me. Why are illegal’s treated better than citizens. They get free and/or in state college tuition, free medical, SSI, food stamps, low income housing etc. Every government giveaway available is available to those who come here illegally. Can someone explain this bizarre rationale to me? Cripes go sit at an Emergency Room at any local hospital and observe for a few hours. I’ve done this at Milford/Whitinsville ER while my wife was in agony and had my eyes opened at how the “Undocumented workers” are treated versus we the taxpaying, insurance premium paying citizens are treated.

Now the great “Messiah” Obama wants a “Path to citizenship”. Didn’t we derail this insanity two years ago? Wake up Obama. The taxpaying American doesn’t want the illegals here. For a guy whose popularity is plummeting like GM stock he just doesn’t get it. We don’t want to be a European Socialist nation. We are Americans and this is America. First we had Obama Automotive, then we had Obamacare, now he’s pushing to make these 25 - 30 million; YES 30 million NOT 11 million like ‘The great Messiah’ claims. Why? Why would our president want to naturalize and legalize all these illegals? Simple. They’re democratic votes he can bank on. Obama knows he’s bleeding voters in the white, suburban, catholic demographic, the very voting bloc that gave him his presidency. Without a substitute for these lost votes he will lose in 2012. What greater motivation than helping himself.

Here’s something to consider, we tried this in 1985 with Ronald Reagan and it failed miserably. We tried it in the 70’s with Jimmy Carter and it failed miserably what makes Obama and the democratic congress believe that this time will be any different. We’ll have around 30 million non English speaking citizens on the tax payers dole and leave the door open for who knows; 50 million new illegals to come across our border? Look at Arizona? US citizens are being kidnapped by Mexican criminals and ransomed, we do nothing. 5,000 illegals a day cross into Arizona and 8-10,000 are estimated to cross into Texas and California each day. Phoenix Arizona has the second highest crime rate in the WORLD!!! Again… we do nothing. Why? Can somebody tell me why? America’s culture is being eradicated and we are being pushed aside to make way for a new Mexico? Am I a racist because I don’t want to see my country inundated with illegal aliens and I don’t want to see my tax dollars go to support them but would rather the money be spent on US citizens that are impoverished and in need? If so than I’m guilty… I’m a nationalist… I want to put America first and Mexico second. I want to put US citizens ahead of illegals. I want illegals deported and our borders enforced. I want jobs to go to citizens. I want landscapers and construction companies that hire citizen workers to be able to compete fairly and not be underbid by less scrupulous contractors that exploit an illegal, non taxpaying workforce. Think I’m crazy? Go to a Home Depot or a Lowes at 7:30 AM and see the piles of illegals and watch the constriction trucks that come by and pick them up for day labor under the table. I have seen this first hand.

Item 2. Radical Islam. Why is it we are cowering to these dirtbags? Why is it that we can piss on Jesus, stick a cross in human shit and call it art, make fun of Jews, Wiccans, Buddhists and the liberal media praises that as “Progressive” but show a cartoon of Mohammed and everybody loses their balls. Suggest that there’s a direct tie to fanatical Islam and terrorists and people get nervous and the Muslim extremists at CAIR (Council for American Islamic Relations)launch into action. Maybe if Christians and Catholics started threatening the lives of liberals in the media they’d get left alone too. Why are we afraid of these backwards, ignorant, savages? Now please notice I said “RADICAL ISLAM” the reader here knows exactly who I am referring to. Maybe if we threatened the lives of these Muslims they’d leave us alone? Maybe we should blow up a few Mosques to get our point across. Would they, the Muslims, call us extremists for these actions? Would they decry our actions publicly and condemn is as haters? Of course they would… and they’d be right. So, why don’t we have the balls to do the same? Why are we in this country walking around on our tippy toes when it comes to extreme Islam? Why did Comedy Central censor South Park when it made fun of Mohammad but they didn’t censor the mocking of Christianity… the dominate religion in this country? Watch a few episodes and see how they depict Jesus, Moses and every other religious figure. That’s okay but they’ll censor making fun of Islam because the fanatical Muslims threatened the lives of South Park’s creators? Give me a break. Hey fanatical Islam… you suck and so do your antiquated, barbaric beliefs… I’m a well trained; well armed, Christian, American who never runs from a fight… come get me... so I can give you a one way trip to your god and your 72 virgins courtesy of my gun, my rifle, my knives or my swords… I have plenty of good old American ‘KICK ASS’ for all of you! Allah be praised!!!! NOT!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Practical or Personal.. what is a car?

I had a peculiar musing driving into work today. I’ve gone through three vehicles this past year; one simply because it was time. The car in question was a 02 Monte Carlo SS. Nothing really special but I had invested in some aftermarket goodies that made it a quite formidable ride. I confess it was a man-crush car thing. I loved this car and hated to part with it but a dying tranny, a skipping motor and bad front end signified they typical death of a GM front wheel drive vehicle. I traded the SS in last May for an 07 pickup. I drove the pickup for awhile getting killed by the gas mileage and the effing creaky seat panel that I could never silence. I loved the truck, the minor annoyances aside and figured I could get by with the V-6 versus the V-8 and I’d be okay. It was a guy thing, ya know! The cool car or the manly truck. I mean... I’m a guy and my ride is a natural extension of my manhood… right?

Okay… so now I drive a little Toyota Corolla with a whopping 125 hp four cylinder engine with four doors. The car is practical; it gets me to work and sips fuel rather than inhaling gasoline by the gallon. But, I’m having difficulty coping with the whole man/car image thing. I’ve always been, admittedly, impractical with my vehicles the past eight years. They’ve had to be a cut above because I always believed that they reflected something about their owner… ME! Look, you can’t wear the dark shades and the leather jacket and look cool driving this four cylinder matchbox. You can’t wear work boots and jeans in this car cuz your boots get stuck between the brake and gas pedal. What is a ‘Guy’ supposed to do?

So I’m in a conundrum. Do I continue to endure the barbs of my colleagues regarding my fuel efficient, practical, plain transportation or do I look for a more stylish ride? Truth be told I like the savings and I don’t totally hate the car. As my father would say… “It’s just transportation from point A to point B.” But the less practical me wants the big truck to haul my stuff and sit above the peons or the fast car to zip by the peons. I never thought I’d actually BE a peon in a plain car. I’m now one of the unwashed masses. It’s been a reality check. I can’t run a big truck which would be my first choice and I can’t afford another SS (Which are a bitch to maintain). Practical me says I’m a middle aged father of three and have a ride that suits me. There’s no one I need to impress with the exception of my male insecurity. The ‘Man’ in me is shaking his head and hiding his face in shame thinking no amount of bling can salvage this car.

I’m stuck in the middle. I went out and chose this car for all the right reasons. I was having a sane moment.. wasn’t I? As I commute back and forth I see dozens of my cars puttering back and forth… populated by men in their 60’s or some middle aged woman. Then I look in my rear view mirror and I see ME! Is this what I’ve become? Yuch!.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Middle Aged Wisdom

I don’t really have a column type blog today, just some simple observations that have revealed themselves as I continue my journey into “Middle-Aged Wisdom”. I hope you, the reader, find some value from the following. I’ve learned these lessons through my journey so far, and hope that I’ll be around long enough to post my “Old Age Wisdom.”

1. True friendship is a rare and fleeting thing. You’ll never know who your friends are until you’re in a bind. A friend will give you the helping hand required to get back on your feet. True friendships have been tested and tempered by the passage of time and crisis. Each milestone strengthens the bond between two people.

2. There are no “Mulligans” in life. For those of you who don’t follow golf; a Mulligan is a do over; Bill Clinton was famous for these on the golf course. Here’s the bottom line. Live your life the way you want to. Do and experience as much as you can in your life. There is only one go around, so make your choices carefully and live them heartily. Don’t waste too much time mulling over mistakes. Learn from them but don’t fret over them. The road to wisdom is paved with misjudgment.

3. Enjoy the knowledge and love of your parents; nobody, not even your spouse, will love you as much as your Mom and Dad. Once they’re gone, you are truly on your own.

4. Listen to that little voice inside your head when it talks to you. It’s called a conscience; if it feels wrong don’t be swayed. If it feels right, follow through. Sometimes over thinking and overanalyzing can paralyze one to inaction. Inaction creates missed opportunities and missed opportunities create regret.

5. Always tell the truth, that way you never have to remember what you said in a prior conversation.

6. Experience love, at least once. Only through Love can one experience the euphoric highs and lows of the human condition. Love needs to be experienced at least once to understand the driving force behind the sexes.

7. Laugh. This is the healthiest thing one can do for both mind and body. Laughing releases beneficial endorphins into the human blood stream and is a great cardiovascular workout.

8. Know the difference between SEX and LOVE. There is a difference; one act is a carnal pleasure the other is an intimate entangling of two souls.

9. Pick and choose your battles wisely. Not every conflict requires verbal or physical combat. Defend your principals and your honor, everything else isn’t worth the aggravation.

10. Don’t fear what you don’t understand. If you fear the unknown you will remain forever ignorant. Welcome the unknown mysteries of life and relish the journey of discovery found therein.

11. Ask questions from those you deem wiser than yourself. The journey to wisdom often starts with “May I ask you a question?” The elder generation, though mocked in our society and culture, are revered in every other society. They have already traveled most of life’s journey and can impart their experiences to those of us who haven’t traveled as far or as long.

I hope somebody gains something from the above tidbits. Most may be common sense or simple practical knowledge. I, however, have discovered that even the most fundamental wisdom is often overlooked.

Be well on your journey.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Deer Season is upon us

I helped a friend set up a ground blind and tree stand for the deer hunting season this year. The typical season for me is as follows. September; I'm all excited as I drop my fifty bucks on my permit and stamps. October; something happens that takes up all of my time and attention (usually work) and I miss the early pre-rut and tell myself I'll be there for some November rut action. November; The yard is a disaster and every weekend is spent raking tons of leaves from our Oak ad Maple trees plus cleaning out the garage for the winter. December; shotgun season is upon me and I'm hoping to get out at least twice. The snow falls in torrents and I never seem to find the time between snow blowing, both kids being home and just plain old crappy weather.
January; I start promising myself I'll make the time the following season and really get out there.

This has been my hunting season for the last three years and this year is shaping up to be pretty much the same way... <>.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Stress, in one simple word, sucks! As I round the corner toward 50 I've begun having thoughts of retirement, 401k's, Social Security and all that other stuff I never gave a second though tto when I was in my twenties or thirties. Now as I approach my fifties it's all I can think about and stress about. I had a shock to my system and a depressing epiphany; I'm middle-aged bordring on old. My coworkers are all younger than me due to the nature of my job as a consultant. Our neighbors are all at least a decade younger than my wife and I which is somewhat depressing.

SO here I am startin down the face of my mortality not really ever expecting thi smoment to occur. But like a silent assassin, time found a way to sneak up, even on me, and bite me in the compacent behind. So, I anxiously awiat to hear about a Government Service job taht wil guarantee me employment, a retirement plan, and health insurnace once I retire... which, in twenty or so years I will be able to do. The downside... a paycut and some ectra aggrivation and responsibilities. Can I absorb the lost income? probably, will money be tight in teh short run> Definitely, but the benefits far outweigh the costs at this point.

I'm tired of waking up at 3:34 EVERY morning wondering if I'll have a job at the end of the next contracting cycle or I'll be forced to become a government employee on less than favorable terms. I anxiously endure the final negotiations process and hope I can raise my base pay a few extra thousand to help me through. There are worse problems to have in this shrinking economy such as NOT having an opportunity or NOT having a job at all. Still I stress and fret wanting the best deal for me so I can continue to support my family and keep the bill collectors from my door.

I should get the final offer from THE government either late tomorrow or early Friday. Thank God for opportunities whether they aren't exactly what I want. Hopefully I'll sleep well this weekend knowing I'll be GS 13 Chief of financial Operations. Time will tell.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Letting go of the past

God has a funny way of teaching me things. I’m a hard nut to crack sometimes but HE does manage to get through when I need it most. I’ve been obsessing about the past recently, who I WAS, what I WAS doing, who I WAS with. Time has a funny way of recoloring ones memory of things; we remember only the good and none of the bad. Looking back, sometimes is a good thing, carrying old baggage from the past isn’t. The past is just that; the past. We can’t change it and we can’t relive it now. It’s over, past tense and history. I’ve been obsessing over the past lately and it’s been getting me down. I can’t correct the mistakes I made or apologize to everyone I may have treated poorly several years ago or decades ago. I can’t wonder about “What might have been and if it would be better than my present life.”

I need to look at my life now and the relationships that I have now and accept them. I’ve been guilty of wanting to relive the past thinking that it would be better than my present. The truth is, I was a different person in the past and I didn’t like who or what I was pretending to be. I like the man I am now and I’m more comfortable in my own skin than I was twenty-five years ago. I have a great family and a wife that loves me (Why she loves me God only knows). Is my “Present” perfect? Hell no, I have problems and issues just like everybody else, but I’m also a hell of a lot better off than a lot of people and I should focus more on what I have and where I am rather than what I could have had or could have been. Looking back, for me, at this point in my life is unproductive. I wish those people in my past well and apologize publicly to those I’ve hurt and freely forgive those that have hurt me.

I need to focus on today, what’s now and what will be rather than wonder “What if.” God has blessed me with a decent job and a potential career path, good health, and some modicum of talent in writing. I love to write novels and columns, I love to communicate through the written word; these are the things I should be pursuing as well as my current relationships; the past is the past and best left there.
-End of speech and on with my life.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Consider this.....

We have brave men and women dying overseas while our "Glorious" Messiah is off pandering to the IOC trying to get the Olympic games to Chicago. Obama hasn't commincated to his Generals in the Afghanistan field of operations since July... nearly ten weeks. 73 percent of Americans DON'T want Obama care and the Democrats in the Senate killed the public option in commitee just yesterday.

What does it say about our President? It says he doesn't care about what the people want only what he wants. Obama is too impressed with himself. Giving fancy speeches trashing our counrty isn't winning him any allies; dismanteling our missile shield won't woo the Russians into aiding us in Iran; Iran is a willing Market for Russian weapons and commodities. While Obama is busy verbally pleasuring himself, our enemies are testing him. Iran is test firing medium and long range missiles with no real punitive actions, they've been processing weapons grade Uranium to affix on these missiles for an assault. Obama doesn't want to act too hastily and our house continues to burn around him and more importantly around us. Obama wants to work through the United Nations... WTF!!! After 19 UN resolutions condeming Iraq nothing happened and we had to act alone. The UN delay gave Iraq the valuable time to hide and relocate thier weapons and assets.

Now is the time to action, now is the time for us to speak out. Our country is in jeopardy and the left wing sits back applauding and the media ignores the obvious truth. God help us because Obama is weak and inexperienced... he's the African American Jimmy Carter and we, as a nation, are paying the price for his inexperience and stupidity.